【R&R.co 、有田満弘 コラボレーション企画 ~第1弾~武者シリーズ‼️】 拡散希望🙏ファン必見💕🎉✨
※ご購入商品の一枚一枚に、番号をふってお渡し。規定販売枚数に達した所で、抽選会を行い、有田満弘先生の直筆サインをプレゼントさせていただくキャンペーン企画あり😆 2020年2月下旬からアメリカツアーに出掛ける、有田満弘先生の直筆イラストから、躍動感溢れる武将をテーマにして、Wall stickerを発売します😃
壁やドアなどに貼って、また綺麗に剥がせるWall stickerは、インテリア性も高く、アクセントクロスとして最適🛋️
【R&R.co with Mitsuhiro Arita Collaboration 1st Series ~Samurai Warrior Series~】 Please spread the word 🙏 Don’t miss this chance💕🎉✨
※Numbers will be given to each purchased product. We will carry a campaign lottery to present Mitsuhiro Arita’s signature when the sales reach a certain number 😆
The vibrant samurai warrior themed autographed illustration wall sticker by Mr. Mitsuhiro Arita, who will go on a U.S. tour, will be sold from late February 2020 😃
Unlike past merchandised product of characters, this work is exclusive. Mr. Arita’s bold and free brush strokes gives a powerful impact and will surely please people overseas 🎁
We are happy to ship products worldwide as well 📦
The Wall sticker with high interior quality can be installed and removed neatly, also is ideal for accent walls 🛋️
It can be enjoyed as a poster as well 👍
Each price, size and ordering method will be announced hire!